My answer is always that it’s very important for you, the individual, to create a diet and lifestyle that works for your specific physical needs—a diet that fits into your specific work, play, and lifestyle and that includes food you love to eat.
I believe that the joy of eating should never be missing from your plate, and that the foods that feel amazing in your body and taste amazing on your tongue can and should be the same foods.
That said, there are some foods I consider to be super foods, that I feel anyone could both enjoy and benefit from eating. Whether you follow a specific eating plan or not, here are my personal top 10 foods you should always eat.
Organic Eggs
A pure source of protein
Omega-3 fatty acids (yolk only)
Packed with vitamins (e.g. Vitamin. B, E, and D)
Biotin (great for hair, skin, and nails)
Also contain potassium, choline, and folic acid
It’s important to clarify what we mean by organic eggs. Organic eggs are those laid by a hen who is fed organic feed, must have access to the outdoors, and cannot be raised in cages. Remember to do your research and make sure you’re buying the real deal.
Huge amount of vitamin-A (helps with immunity)
Super antioxidant food
Contains flavonoids (anti-cancer properties)
High iron content
Spinach isn’t just for Popeye. You too can reap the benefits of this superfood. It won’t inflate your biceps to the size of balloons, but the benefits we listed above are a solid consolation prize.
Chia Seeds
High level of omega-3 fatty acids
Excellent source of fiber (10g in only 2tbsp)
Rich in antioxidants
Regulate insulin levels
Gluten free (if you care about that sort of thing)
In addition to the benefits listed above, the fiber in chia seeds absorbs a large amount of water and expand inside your stomach. So don’t be fooled by how small these little guys seem at first. As soon as they hit your gut those suckers are going to expand in no time and increase your feeling of fullness. This has the potential to help keep your appetite in check.
As an aside, chia seeds have also shown to be hugely useful for people struggling with type 2 diabetes. In these individuals adding chia seeds to their diet led to decrease in blood pressure and inflammation.
100% Grass-Fed Buffalo Meat
Extremely lean source of protein (even lower calories, fat, and cholesterol than most fish and chicken)
Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
High Iron content
These little trees deserve a regular spot on your plate. Broccoli is an excellent green packed with easily digested and absorbed calcium. Unlike some other calcium-rich leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard, broccoli is very low in oxalates, compounds that inhibit your body's calcium absorption.
Broccoli also contains a compound called Indol-3-Carbinol, a very powerful chemo-protective that supports your liver’s detoxification processes.
Almonds and cashews are bursting with heart-healthy fats, plus plenty of magnesium. Each ounce contains 20 percent of the daily recommended goal, so snack on nuts in trail mix, add crunch to salads and or make a batch of homemade nut butter.
Omega-3 fats help promote vision, immunity, circulation, skin and brain health. The best way to get in more of these important fats is to eat more fatty fish like salmon. A 3-ounce portion of cooked salmon packs in more than 4,000 milligrams, which far exceeds the recommended value of 1,100 to 1,600 milligrams per day.
Contains all of the essential amino acids making it a complete protein
Gluten free, complex-carbohydrate source (quinoa is actually a seed, not a grain)
High level of manganese (antioxidant)
High level of magnesium
High in fiber
Black Rice
Contains the same antioxidants that are found in blueberries without the sugar
Contains almost double the amount of fiber compared to brown rice
Helps lower cholesterol
Gluten free, complex-carbohydrate source
Ever wonder why black rice looks the way it does? Most rice grains contain an outer layer of bran. The white rice you see most commonly has had that outer layer removed, while black and brown rice hasn’t. That extra layer gets its color from the antioxidant anthocyanins. That’s the same compound that gives blueberries and goji berries their distinctive hue. However, be warned. Black rice doesn’t come as cheaply as the white rice we’re all used to. There is a reason it was once only reserved for emperors you know.
Okay, okay, we know this one is a bit of a cop-out. But you wouldn’t believe how many guy out there don’t remember to hydrate. The benefits of drinking water are endless and all you need to do turn on the damn faucet or take a stroll to your office watercooler. It couldn’t be easier.
If you want to add a little something extra to your routine to help with those extra pounds you can also consider using a high quality fat burner in addition to the superfoods listed above. They don’t call them burners for nothing, these bad boys induce thermogenesis in the body to raise your metabolic rate and burn way more calories than you would naturally. And if you can’t help but snack a little too much, fear not. Most high quality burners should also contain a highly scientific fibrous complex that stops the body from craving those high calorie foods and cheat meals.