All the squats and bench presses in the universe won’t get you very far unless you’re consuming muscle-building material—and that means lean, rich, complete protein.
Prioritize these 16 protein-rich foods, and you’ll make sure your body has everything it needs to capitalize on all your hard work in the gym.
#1. Whole Wheat Bread
Is bread helpful? Yes, they are. Whole wheat bread is packed with nutrients and vitamins. They also have quite high-calorie content which will help you in gaining mass. Most of all you have many options in bread. Consider the one that has the highest nutrient content.
#2. Butter
Butter is mostly known for its high-calorie content. It is a great choice if you wish to bulk up. It helps in elevating testosterone level. Peanut butter contains a large amount of protein. If you are working out on a regular basis you will not get obese even though you consume large chunks of these muscle building foods or best supplements.
#3. Cheese
You will find a variety of options when you will go for cheese. The fermentation process makes it a good source of vitamins. The best among the variety is cottage cheese. In addition to being a good source of protein, it has high-calorie content.
#4. Red Meat
Red meat contains vitamin B3 and good cholesterol. They help a lot in gaining fat, therefore they are considered an important component of bodybuilding. Apart from helping in gaining muscle, it is also a good source of zinc and iron.
#5. Whole Fat Milk
Whole fat milk is important if you are planning to build those muscles. It is a source of a lot of calories, vitamins, and minerals. It will help you in growing and staying healthy. You can also mix supplements with it to double its power.
#6. Avocado
Avocado super fruit contains fat and is a good support for bulking up. It is a good source of antioxidants and vitamins which improve your overall health apart from providing a lot of calories. Fruits are considered the best muscle building foods.
#7. Chocolate
Chocolate lovers will not face any problem in bulking up. They are full of antioxidants and calories. A small bar of chocolate contains many calories which will help you in bulking up.
#8. Dried Fruits
Dried fruits are high-calorie food. Adding them to your meal will increase the nutrition value of your food. Nuts should be consumed in limited quantity because of high-fat content in them. They also act as antioxidant and help in detoxifying the body. They make your immunity system strong and reduce stress.
#9. Potato
Potatoes are probably preferred for their calorie and carbohydrate content. They do not contain fat or cholesterol. Carbohydrates are known because of their energy source. The micronutrients present in potato help one in improving their capacity of gaining muscle.
#10. Salmon
Fish is highly recommended for people who are aiming to bulk up. Salmon is full of healthy fats. It also takes care of your health.
#11. Whole Eggs
Whole eggs are rich in calories and proteins too. They are an important part of healthy workout meals. Eggs are a source of healthy fat and consuming them in a proper quantity will help you in getting the desired shape. Get the benefits out of these muscle gain foods by consuming them in any way you like.
#12. Shrimps
Shrimps have high protein content. They are packed with vitamins and minerals. Shrimps are low in calories. They will help you in bulking up and certainly protect you from many diseases as well. It contains amino acids and Omega-3.
#13. Fruit Juice
Fruits are an important source of vitamins and minerals. They might not be high in calories but they will help your body in a flourishing and be functioning properly. Adopt them as an important part of your diet.
#14. Healthy Oil
Oils such as olive oil or coconut oil are quite good for your body as they contain the perfect amount of calories that one would require to bulk up. Prepare your food by using these healthy oils and you will not have to eat too much for bulking up.
#15. Rice
Rice is a popular grain which will help you in bulking up. It contains amino acids and proteins. Include them in your food directly or indirectly to get the best out of them.
Try out these muscle building foods and gain mass within no time. Pair them up with a proper workout routine. Consume them in healthy quantity. Stay fit stay healthy.
#16. Eggs
Eggs have been vilified for years as artery-clogging foods. But further research into the role of dietary cholesterol and heart disease shows that for most people, the two are not linked. Eggs have since returned to the spotlight as a health food, especially for building serious muscle. The cholesterol found in eggs yolks serves at the scaffolding for steroid hormones, and the ½ a gram of leucine in each egg is like throwing gasoline on your muscle-building fire.