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Food is the fuel that helps athletes perform their best. Without it, endurance, strength and overall performance will be down. If you want to get the most out of your workouts and athletic capabilities, your diet should be a top priority in your fitness efforts.

In order to perform your best at game time, your body needs the right nutrition. Here are some tips from to help maximize your athletic performance and avoid injury.

 The seven key components to your contest preparation are weight training, protein, cardio, calories, carbs, fats, and supplements. The only 2 things that will remain primarily consistent is your protein intake and your weight training.

 Weight Training

 –Typically stays consistent throughout you training. Small adjustments will be implemented toward the last stages of your preparation.


 – Typically stays consistent throughout your training. There may be some slight modifications at the end of your preparation to help achieve that shredded look.


 – Should be used as a tool, not a crutch. We are not advocates of doing 2-3 hours a day of cardio. We try to stimulate your metabolism and get you as lean as possible through your diet and use cardio as only a small part of the training.


 – Should be kept as high as possible to help keep you full, mentally alert, and energized for training. Calories will be adjusted as necessary.


 – Carbs, Carbs, Carbs, Carbs! Everybody love carbs! But not everyone can eat them… Carbs can be a necessary tool for keeping muscles pumped, keeping glycogen levels high, helping with mental alertness and getting you through those hard workouts. The key to carbs is finding and balancing the ones that work best with your body


 – Like carbs, fats play a significant role in your physique. Some fats are good and some fats can destroy your body shape.


 – There are plenty of supplements out there on the market.
