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Plank Exercise Positions: The Top 5 Most Successful



The plank exercise, which is ranked as one of the best exercises for targeting the heart, especially the oblique abdominal muscles, outperforms the rest in terms of simplicity, effectiveness, and practicality. Almost every top 10 post about core muscle exercises includes a plank.

It does not necessitate any special equipment or contraptions in order to be performed.
You should do the plank exercise if you have a body.

The plank exercise's basic principle is to maintain a well-balanced (or isometric) stationary position while contracting specific muscles or muscle groups for a set amount of time.

Although the principle can seem simplistic, it has been shown to be very successful in terms of strengthening and exercising your core muscles.

The Transverse Abdominis, which runs deep under the obliques and wraps across your spine to protect and stabilize it; the Rectus Abdominis, which runs around the front of your abdomen and is more commonly known as the "six-pack" muscles; the Erector Spinae, which runs along your lower back up to your neck; and the External Obliques, which run around your waist.
When it comes to correctly executing plank exercises, both of these muscle groups are involved.

However, the advantages of the plank exercise don't stop there. Variants of the plank exercise improve not only your midsection (as mentioned above), but also your upper-body muscles (including the pectoral and serratus muscles) and lower-body muscles (such as the quadriceps, tensor fasciae latae and sartorius).

In addition, since the plank exercise helps to strengthen your hips and spine, it strengthens your posture and can also help avoid and correct postural defects.

It is also a very effective stress-reduction practice.
When muscles contract and stress builds up, exercise will stretch and calm them, enhancing your mood and mental well-being in the process.

Finally, if you think you'll want to start a more physically demanding workout routine in the future, this exercise will strengthen your core and give you a safe base to work out on.
Which is always a good idea from the perspective of back protection and workout performance.

Have we persuaded you to give it a shot? To get you started, here are the top five simple but successful plank exercises that people do every day:


In a push-up position, lie face down on the floor (on a mat or on a carpet or rug). Then, with your forearms pointing forward, bend your elbows and position them close to the sides of your chest on the mat.

Slowly lift yourself using your forearms and toes, holding your whole body completely straight with no sagging or bending, leaving just your toes and forearms touching the floor.

Maintain this place for around 10 seconds at first, then gradually raise the time in 10-second increments until you can do it for up to two minutes.Keep your head relaxed and facing the floor when doing this, and concentrate your stress around your midsection.


If the above basic plank exercise is too difficult for you, try this easy adapted version: Instead of using your forearms and toes to raise yourself up, use your forearms and knees to do so. To make this exercise work, remember to maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your feet, just as in the original edition.


Using the same pose, slowly raise one leg about 7-8 inches off the floor, hold for two seconds, then slowly lower it and repeat with the other leg. Perform three sets of 10 reps each.


Return to the original simple plank exercise position by slowly shifting your weight to one arm and gently lifting the other arm in front of you for 2-3 seconds before returning to the original position. Then do the same thing with the opposite arm. Try the arm and leg lift if you're feeling particularly daring.

5. SIDE PLANK – If you're looking for a unique way to express yourself,

This time, lie on your side with your forearm stretched in front of you and your elbow lying right under your shoulder. Raise your body slowly and carefully on your elbow, remembering to hold your whole body straight. Maintain this position for about 10 seconds before lowering yourself to the floor, starting at your hip. Before transitioning to the other side of your body, repeat this process three times.

When performing the plank exercises mentioned above, keep your breathing in check. Deep diaphragmatic breathing – inhaling deeply through your nose, filling your stomach with air, and slowly exhaling through your mouth – is the safest way to use them.

These five basic plank exercises are the base of every personal trainer's core workout pyramid and are a perfect way to introduce your body to this highly successful yet very simple exercise routine.
