This is a valid question that many people who participate in a fitness program ask themselves. If you Google this subject, you'll likely find a variety of opinions on which side is better. The truth is that the correct response is... IT DEPENDS!!! Both are excellent tactics with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. I've had success with clients using both tactics, but deciding which to use can be a difficult task. Here's a rundown to assist you in making your decision:
If any of the following apply to you, you can do a full-body workout:
You've never worked out before.
Full body workouts are ideal for those who are new to working out or returning after a long break. Your muscular endurance is poor, and you need to improve it. With only 1-2 exercises per muscle group, most people can show significant results in the first 2-4 weeks.
You are unreliable when it comes to sticking to exercise routines.
When it comes to any type of exercise program, the last thing you want to do is develop muscle imbalances as a result of inconsistent training. If you start with body part splits (Chest/Triceps one day, Legs the next, etc.) and then stop working out, you risk developing muscular imbalances because not all of your muscle groups are being worked equally. For example, if you train your chest once a week but neglect to train your back, you're more likely to develop postural problems, which can stifle progress and even result in injury.
Looking for a fast and easy way to work your entire body every time you work out?
Since most people have busy lives and little exercise time, they like the feeling of being productive with their time in the gym. Full-body exercises can be done in a number of ways, giving most people plenty of options.
Just have a couple of days a week to devote to resistance training?
If you only have 2 to 3 days a week to devote to strength training, full body is the best option.
Although it is possible to do body part splits in three days, it is more effective to work the whole body three times in a week rather than once.
Resistance training should be done 3-5 days a week.
If you're anything like me, you enjoy lifting weights and do so on a regular basis. Body part splits are a perfect way to break up muscle groups for a few days and concentrate on only one or two muscle groups at a time.
Each exercise should concentrate on just a few muscle groups.
After a while of working out, you will find that your muscle groups need more focus than just one exercise per workout. You'll do 2-6 exercises per muscle group in body part split workouts, depending on the muscle group or groups you're targeting.
You've been working out regularly and following a schedule for at least three months.
If you've been consistent for three months (consistent means working out at least 4-5 days a week every week), you're probably ready to start doing body part split workouts. It's important that you have this discipline because if you don't, you'll be more likely to develop muscle imbalances as a result of missed workouts.
As you can see, there is no right or wrong answer; it all depends on which style best suits you. Some people alternate between full-body workouts and body-part splits, which can be a perfect way to mix up your workout routine and kickstart your performance.