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8 Workout Mistakes Beginners Should Avoid ?

Everyone starts as a beginner. And as we get comfortable with working out, eventually we learn the basics: how to use the machines, how to observe gym etiquette, and what happens if we don’t wipe the gym equipment.

Thank goodness.

But even after you ditched the training wheels, you could still make grave rookie mistakes—mistakes that sabotage your progress and leave you frustrated, confused, and exhausted. Even if you worked out for years, it could still happen.

To build an awesome body and take your fitness to the next level, you must avoid these 8 worst beginner mistakes. Learn how they happen and how you can beat them. 

Not having a plan

In war, soldiers have a battle plan. In sports, teams follow a play. You need the same system when you're going to work out. It's the same principle. A plan includes a system to help you make the most out of your workout. There's also some foresight involved. Training plans have a prescribed time where you will need to reach a reasonable target. When you enroll in a gym, ask if they provide a training plan in their membership. Although you can easily get a training plan online, a personalized plan works best.

Beginners say

“I want to gain 20 pounds of muscle and start eating healthier.”
“I want to lose 15 pounds of fat and cut all carbs.”
“I want to workout 6 times a week and start running every morning at 6am.”

Tackling a mammoth goal all at once leads to failure: you’ll exhaust your limited amount of time, willpower, and energy. You’ll also frustrate yourself because it takes so long to achieve.

Instead, break that massive goal into smaller, easier steps:

“I’m going to switch from machines to free weights to build more muscle and strength.”
“I’m going to increase the weight on my squat by five pounds each time.”
“I’m going to eat at least 150 grams of protein every day.”

These are all simple habits you can measure, use to build confidence, and get you closer to your overarching goal.

Having too much faith in supplements

Supplements help you to maximize your workout by providing nutrients and help you perform better. But don't put too much weight in supplements. You will still go as far as your effort takes you, as well as good eating habits. And when choosing supplements check the quality of the ingredients. You can even go as far as checking the quality of the product with a trainer or physician to make sure it suits you.

 Skipping leg day and forgetting core muscles

Most people want a big muscular chest, washboard abs and ripped arms. So they put so much emphasis on their upper body without realizing that their lower body needs to improve as well. An unbalanced physique will leave you prone to injuries. Also, you won't have the same strength and intensity when doing workouts if you have a weak lower body.
Another area you should not forget is your core. Sure, you exercise your abs. But what about your lower back and obliques? A strong core stabilizes your body.

not tracking anything

Beginners never take notes. But if you measure nothing, what can you improve?

Record everything in your workout: what exercises you did, what weight you used, how many reps you did, etc. Also, track your physique by taking photos and measuring your bodyweight, circumference, and body fat percentage periodically. This will highlight your successes and failures so you can adjust your exercise program and diet to upgrade your results.

For example, if you try a new diet, but your physique stays constant, you need to change something. But if you try a new workout and your body fat drops while your circumference grows, you’re doing great.

Guys who skip taking notes also commit the next error.

not warming up

Beginners warm up—if at all—by jogging for a few minutes on a treadmill and doing some stretches they learned in Phys. Ed. But this does nothing to prepare your muscles, joints, and nervous system to lift weights.

Instead, do a comprehensive warm up filled with dynamic stretches, activation exercises, and movement preparation to help your body feel great and lift a lot of weight.

training to failure every time

If you’re still training to failure every workout, you’re still a beginner.

Your workouts must stimulate your muscles, not pulverize them. If you coax them into size and strength gains, they’ll happily respond and you’ll advance for years. But if you batter your muscles every time, they’ll get fatigued, obstructing recovery and growth.

A simple rule-of-thumb is to stop a few repetitions before failure to give your muscles a break. If you think 8 reps is the absolute maximum you can do of an exercise, stop at 6. 


For some beginners, workout results will take some time. Others on the other hand, can see the results early. In both instances, however, fight the urge to over train. Overtraining causes muscle fatigue and actually slows down your progress. Too much training increases your injury risk as well. Whether you've yet to see results or already reaping the benefits of your hard work, take a rest. Take 2-3 days of rest from your routine. Allow your body to heal itself. You'll also perform better after the rest.