Beginner: 20-30 pounds, rest 60-90 seconds
Intermediate: 30-40 pounds, rest 45-60 seconds
Advanced: 40-50 pounds, rest 30-45 seconds
The full workout includes:
– Dumbbell Shoulder Press
– Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
– Bent Over Dumbbell Row
– Dumbbell Bicep Curls
– Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
– V-up (aka frog kicks)
– Body Weight Squats
For each exercise do 15-25 reps. Rest about 30-60 seconds between sets (or just go set for set if you are working out with a partner). Do 3-4 circuits. For the first circuit keep the weight light and use it as a warm up. Then for the other circuits you can increase the weight and push yourself.
Feel free to add or substitute different exercises based on your personal preference and the equipment you have available. This workout is just a template to go by, it’s not some rigid routine that must be followed exactly as is or it won’t work. So if you want to do more or less exercises, etc. it’t totally up to you.