Use the following shoulder workouts in your weight training program.
Dumbbell Press
This is a great shoulder building exercise and can be done using both hands simultaneously or alternating from one side and then the other. Dumbbell presses are should be performed from a sitting position on a backless bench or stool. Using a chair temps you into leaning back which will shift a great deal of workout energy away from the shoulders and to the chest.
Position dumbbells to each side of shoulders with elbows below wrists.
Press dumbbells upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to sides of shoulders and repeat.
Front Press
The front press will build shoulder strength as well as work out your pecs. You can perform front presses from either a seated position (seated front press) or from an inclined position (inclined front press).
Hold dumbbells in front of you with your elbows tucked into your sides and your shoulders held back and relaxed. Contract your abs, hold the weight steady and push it up until arms are extended with only a slight bend at the elbows. Hold for a moment and then slowly lower the dumbbells back down until your elbows are in the starting position. Repeat.
Front Raise
This strength workout builds the shoulders as well as arms and chest. Front raises can be accomplished from either a seated or standing position. However, if done standing, don’t use your legs to assist with the lift.
Grasp dumbbells in both hands. Position dumbbells in front of upper legs with elbows straight or slightly bent.
Raise dumbbells forward and upward until upper arms are above horizontal. Lower and repeat.
Behind the Back Cable Side Lateral Raise
By using a cable you’re keeping tension on the muscle throughout the movement in a way that can’t be matched by the dumbbell. In addition to that, by doing the raise behind the back, you’re isolating the lateral deltoid in a more efficient way than you would be if you were doing it in the front.
Stand sideways next to a pulley machine with a D-handle. Grab the D-handle (from behind) with the hand further from the pulley and take a half step forward and away from the pulley to establish some tension. Brace your abs and keep your chest up while optionally bracing yourself with your opposite hand. Maintain a very slight bend in your elbow during the movement and make sure this angle doesn’t change at all from start to finish. Lift while concentrating on your deltoid and continue until your arm is parallel to the floor or just above it. Hold and squeeze your delt at the top of the movement and lower it back slowly. For a visual demonstration.
Lying Side Lateral Raise
These days, it’s very rare to see someone lying down to work on the lateral deltoid. That said, it’s a wonderful exercise that lost popularity for no identifiable reason in particular. It’s time to bring it back, because, well, Arnold.
Lie on your side and brace yourself so your body is in a firm position. Grasp a dumbbell with the hand opposite side the side touching the bench and, starting from your thigh area, lift it up in an arc until it’s nearly above the shoulder. Try to keep the arm straight with only a slight bend.