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Fitness & Slimming workouts [Beginners]

Are you a beginner looking to lose weight, but have you no idea how to get started? Then this beginner’s weight loss workout will be ideal for you.

After 4 to 12 weeks of doing this workout you will have significantly toned your muscles, reduced your body fat levels and be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goal. You’ll be well prepared to progress on to more advanced free weight exercises that will challenge your body even further for greater fat loss.

First 3 – 5 weeks [Beginners]

Day 1 /3/5

Spot walking 3 mts.

Free Hand P.T. 5 mts.

Tread mill 5 mts [slow]

Cycle 3 mts. [Light]

Elliptical /cross trainer  2 mts.

Sit ups 2 sets x 10reps

Twister 2 sets x50 reps

Day 2 /4/6

Spot walking / steps3 mts.

Free Hand P.T.55 mts.

Circuit training 2 sets of 15 reps light

Leg raises 2sets x 10 reps

Stretching / AEROBICS 5 mts.

Day 7 REST

Next 2-4 months

Day 1/3/6

Spot walking / steps 4 mts.

Free Hand P.T. 5 mts.

Circuit training 2 sets of 15 reps Medium

Leg raises 2sets x 20 reps


Day 2 /5

Spot walking 5 mts.

Free Hand P.T. 5 mts.

Tread mill 7 mts [medium]

Cycle 7 mts. [medium]

Elliptical / cross trainer 5 mts.[medium]

Sit ups 2 sets x 20reps [slow]

Twister 2 sets x50 reps [not jerky]

Day 4 / 7 REST

Circuit training details

Upper body circuit work out 3 sets x 15 reps

Seated bench press 15 reps

Lats pulley 15 reps

Peck deck fly 15 reps

Front press 15 reps

Dumbbell curls 15 reps

Triceps push down 15 reps

Lower body Circuit training 3 sets of 15 reps

Calf raises 15 reps

Free squats 20 reps

Leg press 15 reps

Leg fly 10 reps

Leg curls 10 reps

Side leg raises 10 reps

Lower back stretches