the USDA.Note that the meal plans listed below are written for
men who are at a healthy weight and participate in physical activity for 30 - 60 minutes. If you are physically
active for less than 30 minutes per day, a lower calorie meal plan may be needed to maintain your
current weight. If you participate in more than 60 minutes of physical activity per day, you may need
to follow a higher calorie meal plan to maintain your current weight.
Maximum Fat Burning / Lean Sparing Diets
Sample Maximum Fat Burning/Lean Sparing Diet-Male
Meal #1
- 5 oz. lean beef or Turkey
- 6 egg whites, 2 yolks (if you prefer not to bother with the eggs you may substitute 1 scoop MRP and 1 whole egg blended in 6 to 8 oz water)
- 1/2 grapefruit
Meal #2
- 2 scoops MRP, 12 to 18 oz. water (optional you may add 3 to 4 strawberries. I like the frozen ones that you get in a bag)
- 8 ounces chicken (weighed prior to cooking)
- 4 cups salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, green peppers, etc.) 2 TBS Newman�s Vinegar and Oil dressing.
- Or 6 oz. can tuna or 5 oz. Chicken, 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg 1 tomato
Meal #4
- 2 to 3 scoops MRP, 12 to 18 oz. water
Meal #5
- 8 ounces lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, etc.)
- 2 cups vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, spinach or zucchini)
Monday and Thursday: Add a 6th meal at the end of the
day: 1.5 cups oatmeal (precooked) or cooked rice, 10 oz. sweet potato, 4
oz. banana, 1 cup vegetables, 1 TBS butter
Sample Maximum Fat Burning / Lean Sparing Diet - Female
Meal #1
- 4 oz. turkey breast 3 egg whites, 1 yolk (if you prefer not to bother with the eggs you may substitute 1 scoop MRP blended in 6 8 oz water)
- 1/2 grapefruit (grapefruit is best but you may substitute 4 strawberries)
Meal #2
- 1 to 2 scoops MRP, 6 to 12 oz. water (optional: add 3 to 4 strawberries, I like the frozen ones that you get in a bag)
Meal #3
- 5 ounces chicken (weighed prior to cooking)
- 2 cups salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, green peppers, etc.) 1 Tbs. Newman�s Vinegar and Oil dressing
- Or 6 oz. can tuna, 2 egg whites, and 1 tomato (you may substitute � cup vegetables for tomato)
Meal #4
- 1 to 2 scoops MRP, 6 to 12 oz. water
Meal #5
- 5 oz. lean meat (chicken breast, turkey breast) or 6 oz. Cod Fish
- 1 cup vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, spinach or zucchini)
Monday and Thursday: Eat in place of your 5th meal at the end of the day: 1/2 cup oatmeal or 2/3 cup cooked rice, 6 oz. sweet potato, 4 oz. banana, 1 cup vegetables, 2 tsp. butter
Lean Gain/Fat Burning Diets
Moderate carbohydrate and fat diets. A ratio of 50% protein, 20% carbohydrate and 30% fat works very well.
Goal: Controlled fat loss while increasing lean body mass.
Sample Lean Gain / Fat Burning Diet - Male
Meal #1
- I whole egg + 5 egg whites
- 5 oz. 93% lean beef
- 1/2 cup oatmeal before cooking
- I TBS Flax Oil
(Or if you are in a hurry in the morning and do not
have time to prepare a meal mix the following in a blender and get all
the nutrients in 1/10 the time)
2 scoops MRP, 3 TBS heavy whipping cream, 18 oz water and 1/3 cup quick oats
Meal #2
- 2 Scoops MRP, 4 to 6 TBS whipping cream (2 oz.), and 12 to 18 oz. water
Meal #3
- 8 oz. chicken (before cooking)
- 6 oz. sweet potato or 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
- 1.5 cup vegetables (broccoli, etc.) or salad with 2 TBS. Low Cal Dressing
- Or 6 oz chicken or beef, 1 cup cottage cheese, � cup pineapple (fresh or packed in its own juice)
Meal #4
- 2 Scoops MRP, 2 to 3 TBS whipping cream, and 12 to 18 oz. water
Meal #5
- 8 oz. 93% lean beef, chicken, turkey, fish sirloin steak
- 2 cups vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, spinach or zucchini)
- 1 TBS Flax Oil
Meal #6
- 2 whole eggs + 4 egg whites, 4 oz. 93% lean beef, 1 cup vegetables
- Or: 8 oz. chicken breast, 1 apple
- Or: any of the MRP recipes for Anabolic Lean Mass Gain
Sample Lean Gain / Fat Burning Diet - Female
Meal #1
- 1 whole egg + 3 egg whites
- 3 oz. 93% lean beef
- 1/2 cup oatmeal before cooking
(Or if you are in a hurry in the morning and do not
have time to prepare a meal mix the following in a blender and get all
the nutrients in 1/10 the time)
2 scoops MRP, 1 TBS heavy whipping cream, 12 oz. water and 1/4 cup quick oats
Meal #2
- 1 to 2 scoops MRP, 1 to 3 TBS heavy whipping cream and 12 oz. water
- Or 1 cup cottage cheese, 1/3 cup pineapple (fresh or packed in its own juice)
Meal #3
- 5 oz. chicken (before cooking)
- 4 oz. sweet potato or 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
- 1 cup vegetables (broccoli, etc.) or salad with 2 TBS. Low Cal Dressing or 6 oz chicken or turkey breast
- 1 apple or peach
Meal #4
- 1 to 2 scoops MRP, 1 to 3 TBS heavy whipping cream and 12 oz. water
- Or any of the MRP recipes for anabolic lean mass
Meal #5
- 6 oz. 93% lean beef, chicken, turkey, fish or sirloin steak
- 2 cups vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, spinach or zucchini)
- 2 tsp. Flax Oil
Moderate to high carbohydrate 40% to 50% and lower fat diets.
Goal: Maximize lean gains while minimizing fat gain.
Sample Lean Gain / Off Season Diet - Male
Meal # 1
- 10 egg whites
- 1 cup oatmeal or 2 servings grits
- 3 rice cakes
Meal # 2
- 2 scoops MRP, 16 oz. water
Meal # 3
- 6 ounces lean meat
- 10 oz potato
- 1 cup vegetables
Meal # 4
- 2 scoops MRP, 16 oz. water
Meal # 5
- 6 oz. lean meat
- 1 cup cooked rice
- 1 cup vegetables
Meal #6
- 10 egg whites
- 1 cup oatmeal or 2 servings grits
- Or 2 scoops MRP, 16 oz. water
Sample Lean Gain / Off Season Diet - Female
Meal #1
- 6 egg whites
- 2 serving cream of rice or grits
Meal #2
- 1 to 1� scoops MRP, 12 oz. water
Meal #3
- 4 oz. lean meat
- 3/4 cup rice or beans
- 1 cup vegetables
Meal #4
- 1 to 1� scoop MRP, 12 oz. water
Meal #5
- 4 oz. lean meat
- 3/4 cup rice or beans
Meal #6
- 6 egg whites
- 1 cup vegetables
- Or 1 scoop MRP in 8 oz. water
Bulk Up...High Calorie Weight Gainer
Goal: Increase lean muscle tissue and overall weight for the hard gainer.
Sample Weight Gain Diet - Male
Meal #1
- 2 whole eggs + 4 egg whites
- 6 oz. lean beef
- 1 cup oatmeal before cooking
- 1 TBS Flax Oil
Meal #2
- 3 scoops MRP & 4 TBS Heavy Whipping Cream (Optional: 4 frozen strawberries or 1/2 banana)
Meal #3
- 8 oz. chicken (before cooking) or other meat
- 8 oz. sweet potato or 1 cup rice
- 2 cups vegetables
Meal #4
- 3 scoops MRP & 4 TBS Heavy Whipping Cream (Optional: 4 to 6 frozen strawberries or 1/2 banana)
Meal #5
- 10 oz. sirloin steak (lean) or other meat
- 8 oz. sweet potato or small baked potato
- 2 cups vegetables
Meal #6
- 3 scoops MRP & 4 TBS Heavy Whipping Cream (Optional: 4 frozen strawberries or 1/2 banana) or 2 whole eggs + 4 egg whites
- 6 oz. lean beef
- 1 cup oatmeal before cooking